Recovering Compensation For Damages Resulting From A Pothole Accident 

It is not uncommon to get into an accident and be injured because of a pothole. It can be easy to understand your next step when you get injured by another individual. However, you may be confused about who pays for your damages when you get injured because of a pothole. Since the government owns roads, there is no individual liable party. 

If you are wondering how to recover damages after being in a car accident caused by a pothole, you may find it helpful to retain the services of an attorney. You may have to sue the government, and the thought alone can be overwhelming. The case could become even more complex if another vehicle was also involved. Consult with an attorney for car accidents in Toledo today.

Accidents caused by potholes 

When a car goes through an accident because of a pothole, the results can be dangerous. It can involve other cars and form a chain-reaction accident. People get severely injured, and their vehicles may require extensive repair. Vehicle parts that require repairs after a pothole accident include: 

  • Suspension parts
  • Axles
  • Tires
  • Shock absorbers
  • Rims
  • Brake discs
  • Vehicle frames 

Replacing important parts of the vehicle can be costly, but ignoring a broken vehicle can cause dangers on the road. Even the most minor kinds of potholes can cause a driver to lose control of their vehicle and cause tire blowouts. 

How to file for compensation after being injured in a pothole accident in Ohio?

If you suffer from a car accident caused by a pothole, you may be able to use your own insurance to cover the costs since it is considered to be a single-vehicle accident. However, a government entity could also be liable for the accident if it was aware of the pothole and failed to address it promptly. You must work with an attorney to gather evidence showing the government entity’s negligence. 

In some cases, there might be more than one liable agency. Your attorney can review your case, collect proof and build your claim. 

You must be careful because injury claims against federal, state, or municipal government entities typically have a short window. The deadline can be as short as 30-90 days from the date of the accident. Remember that the regular statute of limitations that would apply to regular car accidents does not apply here. 

The government entity or the insurance company may tell you that you shared the blame because you should have been more careful on the road. Several things can weaken your case. Hire an attorney today. 

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